Pondering Prayer

Lately I have been pondering prayer. Now, it is important to understand that I have been a long-time fan of prayer. When I was 15, I read Philippians 4:6 out of the NLT Bible and it changed my life. "Don't worry about anything. Pray about everything. Tell God your needs and don't forget to thank Him for his answers." I took that seriously. I literally began to pray about everything. I even prayed about what I was going to wear. I was 15! Thus began my journey. 

As I have experienced much of life, I have had many opportunities to pray. I have witnessed many miracles and I have also seen a lot of prayers go unanswered. Or, at least not answered in the way I thought that God should answer them. So, I ponder. Does it really make a difference, or is God just going to do what He planned all along? Can we really change God's mind? Will He really do things differently just because I prayed? Some of you may think that I am being blasphemous. I believe that sometimes it is important to truly wrestle with these things, and let God meet us there. Let him guide us through these difficulties and meet us there. He is definitely the one who has the answer, and He can truly handle any question we might throw His way. 

One of the ways that He meets us is through scripture. It is God's word and it doesn't change. There are so many instances where He tells us to pray. 'We have not because we ask not.' Moses changed God's mind when God was going to destroy the Israelites for their unbelief. Peter and John were released from prison when the believers were praying. Okay, as I listen to myself I hear what God is telling me. He wants me to pray and it seems to make a difference. BUT -

I have a friend who has a young and beautiful family who loves God and brings honor to Him. Recently her husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer that has already metastasized. There was no warning. According to the doctors there is no hope. I believe in God. I believe that God heals and that He can. My question is, will He? God can do what he wants, right? Will my prayers make a difference? Will he heal my friend? 

I don't know. What I do know is that I have to pray. Through these many years of prayer and warring for those that I love, I have come to know God. He is my friend. I enjoy our conversations, and I need Him. i know that He is good and that He is love. I need His perspective. I need His heart. Prayer is for me. Do I believe that it changes things? I have to. 

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