One More Time

I began writing in my last news letter about things I have learned at the PARC. This is another of those life changing things God has taught me. One of the core values at the PARC is that you never run out of chances. This is perhaps that hardest one. Some of those who come are angry, frustrated and sometimes explosive. There are times when they just can't stay. Often times they want to come back. If they agree to be a part of what we do, participate and be respectful they can try again. And, they can try again and again and again. They never run out of chances.

One of the interesting things that I have learned from this is that as they continue to keep coming back, to keep trying, that I am the one who is changed. I begin to see them differently. It seems that the more they come, the more God shows me who they are and His heart for them.

Lori is one of the members who comes to my mind when I think of this. The first day that she came to the PARC she was so dirty. I don't know how long it had been since she had a shower. Her clothes were filthy and her hair unkempt. She was a mess. Lori would flit around the room mumbling inappropriate things and making inappropriate gestures. As time went on she got to where she was more peaceful and stayed longer.  After a few weeks she even began to participate in some of our classes. She was changing and so was I. I began to see her. I mean really see her. She is beautiful!! We also began to see a kindness and a gentleness, even a gratefulness in her. 

One day as she was about to leave I was saying goodbye. I asked her if I could give her a hug. For the first time she looked me in the eye and then nodded. I hugged her and she hugged me. It was incredible. I don't know if anything happened to Lori, but it touched me at a level that I can't begin to put into words. It touched me so deeply and just a little more change took place. It was a while before Lori came again. When she came in I walked over to her to tell her how happy I was to see her and that I had missed her. She looked at me, without a word, threw her arms around me and gave me a hug. You could have knocked me over with a feather.

Something happened because Lori never ran out of chances. Something happened in us both. God moves, and if we allow Him, He expands our hearts to love a little more. A little better. What I have learned is that I must never close my heart to what God wants to do in and through people. He is a mighty and powerful God. The God of redemption and grace. He truly has the power and ability to change people, and we might miss that if we close the door. We might miss the most beautiful gifts and delights of His heart.


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