Miracles and Gratitude

Thursday was our Groundbreaking. I am having such a hard time articulating what was in my heart that day. An overwhelming sense of complete awe, wonder and gratitude filled me. It was so hard to comprehend. This momentous day caused me to reflect on this journey of the PARC. 

10 years ago. 10 years ago Robert and I had an idea, a dream perhaps. In February of 2014 we gathered a group of people around my dining room table and it became our first board meeting. Robert and I were washing windows and our bank account had $150.00. We began working towards our goal, trying to explain to people something that hadn't been done before nor was easy to explain. God began to place in some people's heart what our heart was saying. In July of 2014 we found a building. It was terrible and perfect. It had been a strip club and a swinger's club and the layout was perfect for what we wanted to accomplish. When we bought it we had $1200 in the bank! We felt stupid and afraid, but we had promised God that if He gave us enough to take the next step, that we would always take it. Thus began the redemption of this quirky building and the journey towards what we had seen in our hearts that was a need in the lives of those who are homeless.

We opened on November 19, 2014 and no one came!! Oh my word! I kept telling Robert to go get them!! Another terrifying moment, but they began to come. More and more began to come and lives began to change. We began making a powerful impact in this community and our room began to fill. There were more months than I can name when we were not going to make it. We would discuss what bills not to pay, etc. BUT, every, single month we would get a miracle check! Every month. It was so stressful, but to this day we have NEVER been in the red.

Thursday when I looked out from the property that we now own, onto the parking lot (that we now own) filled with people that love and support this wonderful place, my heart almost exploded. Oh the things that God has done to make this happen. Oh the people that have joined their hearts together to love, accept and show value to those that God loves so very much. It is too much!! So many miracles along the way. I am so very grateful for ALL of you that have made this possible. I am filled with anticipation for what He will do in the days to come. "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." 1 Cor. 2:

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