Don't They Know?

As I was reading in Ephesians yesterday, I was particularly impressed by these verses and I thought of our members. "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ, just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world". (1:3) As I read these I wondered, do our members know that are chosen in Him and have been since before the foundation of the world? Do they know how loved they are and what God has intended for them?

I would dare to say that most of those who come here don't understand their value, how loved that they are or the wonderful plans that God has for them. I long for the "eyes of their understanding to be enlightened, that they may know what is the hope of His calling, and the riches of the glory of His inheritance. The exceeding greatness of the working of His mighty power." (1:18-19) I want them to know so that they are strengthened with might through the Spirit. When they are rooted and grounded in love, when they really know how very loved that they are, they will be filled with the fullness of God. And "God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think according to the power that works in us.". (3:20) I mean that is incredible! That is truly amazing!

If they are rooted and grounded in love, then they begin to understand their value and begin to believe in themselves. They become enlightened to understand who they are, and what is available through God. The possibilities become endless. That is really the reason that we do what we do at the PARC. The reason that we do the hard things. The reason we show them love when they make it so hard to be be loved. Feeling loved and accepted is often the farthest thing from any of their minds. None of them are proud of where they have ended up. They. don't feel that there is greatness in them of mighty working power. Many feel weak and as if they are a victim. When they are rooted and grounded in love, there are miracles that begin to happen, mountains that are moved. When they begin to recognize the power that is in them, they begin to believe that God planned and destined them to be amazing. They are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared before hand!! Anything is possible Don't they know? We have to help them realize what is in them and all that God has for them. 

Since the PARC began I have believed that God put us here, in this time and this location, to change our city. Why wouldn't God do that? He always chooses the least likely. Shepherds were the first to hear of Jesus' birth. David was in a field and Gideon was the least of all the tribes. There are so many examples of God choosing the unseen to shine a light and defeat the darkness. 

So, we are committed to help them to see how loved and chosen that they are. To help them to know the power that is in them. There would be endless possibilities if they could understand. We commit to love unconditionally, forgive continuously, speak encouragement and hope and remind them of who they REALLY are. Not defined by circumstances or the way that they behave. But defined by how God fashioned them and prepared good works for them before they were ever created. They have been created for greatness, and we want to teach them and help them to see. And when they do, we will change the world!! A member came in today that I had to talk to about his behavior the last time he was here. He had acted pretty badly. He told me that he didn't know if we would forgive him and let him come back. When I told him that we forgave him he said, "I am not sure that I am a very forgivable person." I told him that we love him. Then I said, "I forgive you, Jason and Jesus forgives you".  And then I told him that he needed to control his behavior. That was it. Just a reminder and allowing him to try yet again. I believe that someday the eyes of his understanding will be enlightened. Until that day, we will continue to do what we do. It is an incredible honor.

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